another place for rantings and ravings of kettlebells, sandbags, odd object lifting & old school strength from a stoopid boy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009



today was a fun day. practiced some towel pull-ups at work, working the hand strength.
that afternoon, a co-worker requested some assistance changing out a flat tire on her vehicle. i asked another co-worker Fish to provide some help. he was gone for about 15 minutes when he returned, drenched in sweat. he admitted he was only able to loosen one wheel lug, asked if i would give it a go. i learned awhile back that the secret to changing a flat tire - you have to use brute force. four wheel lugs for me to attack. i was able to removed three wheel lugs. the fourth one, i'm uncertain if it was bent or possibly overtightened - i ended up snapping the wheel stud off with the lug still on.
my body was a little exhausted, generated a lot of tension. it was a very good feeling, being able to apply real world, functional strength.

variety day. initial plan was to do a sandbag complex followed by some sled training. however, i was drawn to my newly made sandbag, my military top load heavyweight cotton canvas duffle bag loaded with 100# of sand. yes, it is glorious.

1) sandbag power clean @ 100#- 10 sets x 3 reps

2) kettlebell rack walks @ 2x35# - 3 rounds x 100 steps immediately followed by 10 rack squats

3) kettlebell farmer walks @ 2x35# - 3 rounds x 100 steps immediately followed by bent over rows

resting 30 seconds between sets/rounds.
Worked this sandbag movement repeatedly, really wanting to develop full body strength and a vice grip. ripping the sandbag off the floor also developing power and starting strength. and i wanted a lower body finisher. farmer walks do nicely.

soundtrack: echo & the bunnymen "the cutter"


Greenteagirl said...

Sandbag power cleans...Nice! Looks like a tough workout. Great work!

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Tough session, daniel. 30 reps of 100lbs of hard to grip sand! Nice.

(Unloading a dozen bags of hardwood mulch (~50lbs?) from my wife's car on Sunday wiped out my grip strength! Kudos to you, "Grip Master".)


PS: Remind me not to ask you to remove any tires for

daniel_hautjobb said...

ahhh, loading and unloading a dozen bags of mulch isn't a small feat. another example of functional strength. niiice.

Unknown said...

Poor Fish for all those muscle's he shows off, he cant even change a tire.

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